Friday, February 6, 2009

Politics,A Soft Invective:Truth Is The Best Argument

The Senatorial debut of former broadcast/journalist Mike Duffy was dismal and disappointing. Maybe when he stood on the floor of that not-so-hallowed, irrelevant Canadian institution he had gone into a fugue state, and consequently his words became gibberish.
They were certainly childish, pointless, and disrespectful. At the very least, Mr. Duffy could have chosen something original to say. His speech was also very expensive. The Canadian people are forking over a lot of money(many against their will) to maintain this wasteful political resting ground for those whom the government in power wishes to reward (porkfully speaking).
Mr. Duffy did not earn his hefty salary in that speech, and when I say his words were pointless I mean, pointless. Unless of course they were meant to impress the man who anointed him as a Knight of the Senate in the first place, Prime Minister Stephen Harper. In that case his words may not have been pointless, because he did, in his rather puerile style, dump heavily on Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams, Mr. Harper’s deadliest political enemy.
So, Mr. Duffy may have gotten an A+ and a lollipop or two from the PM for his performance, but as for me and my house, not.

In any case, I believe the Senate should be abolished, the senators put out to pasture, and the money saved sent to Amnesty International, or some other equally worthwhile organization whose time is spent saving human life and limb.

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